Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidenced based modality for treatment of trauma symptoms and PTSD.

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Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) uses the brain's natural healing capabilities to heal maladaptively stored memories. EMDR functions off of the correlation between eye movement and the brain reprocessing memories, similar to the function of Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. EMDR targets this function of the brain on what is to be reprocessed and how. EMDR is an evidenced based approach for PTSD and has found to be effective treating a variety of other mental health concerns such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. EMDR tends to be a quicker treatment modality than traditional talk therapy due to the work of EMDR done on a deeper level of the brain. EMDR does not require in depth discussion of the presenting issue and focuses on somatic sensations, emotions, and core beliefs around the memory. Please check out emdria.org for more information.

What can EMDR treat?

EMDR is an evidenced based therapeutic modality for trauma symptoms and PTSD. I have experience using EMDR for issues such as eating disorders, sexual trauma, burn survivors, childhood abuse, car accidents, body image, depression, anxiety, and self harm.

Trauma Treatment + Trauma Informed Care

I approach treating trauma by asking “what happened to you?” instead of “what’s wrong with you?” Each of us have experiences that shaped us, some for better or for worse. I’m here to support you in working through those negative experiences with unconditional positive regard and an open ear to how your trauma has impacted you in all kinds of ways. I empower my clients through choice and want to ensure you feel like you have agency in your treatment experience.